These Foods Are Scientifically Proven To Improve Your Mood

Time for a little food science!

We at HungerPass love learning more about food, especially when it comes to how and why it carries so much meaning in our lives (besides the fact that it keeps us alive, of course!) Ultimately, we think it comes down to our emotions: Nothing really beats the wholesome smell of baking bread or the crisp bite of an apple. There’s just something about them that makes us smile!

Today, we’re going to dive into the science of food to figure out which foods can truly make us feel happier. Can our diets and our moods really be so connected?

1) Orange Juice

Photo credit: Pixabay

Maybe you’re the kind of person who absolutely needs coffee in the morning in order to function as a human being–no judgment here! But the next time you’re craving that morning boost, consider swapping the coffee for a cool glass of orange juice. We all know how important Vitamin C is in our diets, not just because it helps our body use carbs, fats, and proteins efficiently, but because it helps our body’s ability to make neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. And as you may know, your mood greatly depends on serotonin–it’s even called the “happy chemical” because of how much it influences your mood. A 2018 study even showed that males who consumed the most Vitamin C had the lowest reported feelings of depression and anger. Clearly, orange juice doesn’t just look bright and cheerful– it can help you feel that way, too!

2) Salmon

Photo Credit: Caroline Attwood, Unsplash

Okay, so maybe all you vegetarians/vegans out there won’t agree with this one, but the science pretty much speaks for itself: Salmon is so chock-full of omega-3 fatty acids that you can’t deny its superfood status. Your body cannot produce these fats on its own, which makes foods like salmon essential parts of your diet. These “good” fats are known to reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and–you guessed it–improve mood and fight depression. It’s also high in protein, potassium, and selenium, which helps prevent cancer. We don’t know about you, but a fish that makes us healthier and prevents cancer definitely makes us smile!

3) Oysters

Photo Credit: Jason Leung, Unsplash

Yeah, we know this is a controversial one–oysters are definitely either a “love them”  or “hate them” kind of food, and we’re here to explain why you should love them. Try to get past the sliminess of it all and look at the science: Oysters are full of Vitamin D, which has the unfortunate characteristic of being majorly important to our wellbeing while being extremely difficult to find in most foods. In fact, when it comes to Vitamin D’s presence in foods, you’ll really only find it in fishy foods like salmon, sardines, and tuna, which is a shame, considering how influential Vitamin D can be when it comes to feeling good. Importantly, oysters are also a great source of zinc, which has been directly linked to lower levels of anxiety. And we could all use a little less anxiety in our lives, right?  

4) Dark Chocolate

Photo Credit: Charisse Kenion, Unsplash

Remember that scene in Harry Potter when Harry was given chocolate to help fend off dark thoughts caused by the Dementors? Well, there’s a pretty scientific reason behind why that is. Dark chocolate specifically is filled with the beneficial chemical phenethylamine, which helps release pleasurable endorphins and catalyzes the neurochemical dopamine, which is linked to feelings of peace and bliss. Dark chocolate has also been found to reduce the stress hormone cortisol, and less stress can really only enhance your mood!

5) Watermelon

Photo Credit: Edgar Castrejon, Unsplash

Many fruits are pretty well known for their health-happy benefits, and watermelon is just another example. Simply looking at a big, juicy slice of watermelon makes us happy–it’s just so sweet, summery, and inviting, not to mention totally Instagrammable. It turns out the ingredient that makes watermelon red is what can also boost your mood: Lycopene promotes a healthy heart and glowing skin while it prevents a build-up of interleukin-6, which is associated with depression. Tack onto all these benefits how watermelon is a low-calorie snack that can satisfy your sweet tooth, and you get a snack you can truly feel good about eating.

6) Whole-Grain Quinoa

Photo Credit: The Pioneer Woman

It’s no secret how important it is to incorporate whole-grain foods into your diet (if you didn’t already know, they’re rich in fiber and extremely heart-healthy.) But did you know that quinoa is also highly nutritious, not to mention super trendy and versatile? You can use whole-grain quinoa as a base for a healthy grain bowl topped with strawberries and banana slices, or you can mix it into a scrumptious salad with avocado chunks and tomatoes. But the benefits of quinoa truly extend past its versatility: Health-wise, it not only reduces cholesterol, improves your energy levels & memory, and helps prevent diabetes, but it’s known to contain quercetin, a flavonoid believed to have antidepressant effects. Since cranberries, kale, and okra are also rich in quercetin, just imagine the comfort-food possibilities when you add a hearty, wholesome bowl of whole-grain quinoa to the mix!

Written by Emma Patterson


Posted in Uncategorized.

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